Sunday, October 19, 2008

You Might Be a Redneck.....

Well I am sitting here wonderin what to blog. Then I think to myself, "Well why don't I blog about dem Rednecks that live heres in Texas." So here are a bunch of Redneck jokes. Oh and not everybody in Utah is a Redneck it is just a stereotype.... (To a certain extent) :)

You might be a Redneck if....

-your front porch collapses and four dogs get killed.
-that billboard that says, “Say No To Crack” reminds you to pull up your jeans.
-your wife’s hairdo was ever ruined by a ceiling fan.
-you go to your family reunions looking for a date.
-your Junior/Senior Prom had a Daycare.
-you’ve got more than three cousins named “Bubba”.
-you have an Elvis Jell-O mold.
-taking your wife on a cruise means circling the Dairy Queen.
-on Thanksgiving Day you have to decide which pet to eat.
-your idea of high-quality entertainment is a six-pack and a bug-zapper.
-you’ve ever taken reading material into an airplane restroom.
-you vacuum the sheets instead of washing them
-you’ve ever had to siphon gas from your lawn mower to put into your truck.
-you break wind in public and blame it on your kid.
-you have a bumper sticker that says, “My mother’s an honor student” at the local junior high.
-you can’t visit relatives without getting mud on your tires.
-your mother doesn’t put shoes on to go grocery shopping.
-you’ve ever been to a wedding reception at the Waffle House.
-your kids’ favorite bedtime story is “Curious George and the High Voltage Fence.”
-you’ve ever had to turn your pickup truck around because of bridge clearance restrictions.
-there’s graffiti on the bathroom wall in your own house.
-you clean your house with a water hose.
-you have more electronic equipment in your truck than in your house.
-your best sofa came out of a Chevrolet.
-your favorite T-shirt is declared offensive in at least 13 states.
-you’ve ever stolen toilet paper.
-you think the police can’t see you because your truck is painted camouflage.
-when you leave your house, you are followed by federal agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the only thing you worry about is how to lose them.
-the UFO hotline limits you to one call per day.
-you prefer car keys to Q-tips.

Oh boy they are funny but not everybody here is a redneck lol. I miss you guys a ton. Keep talking to me. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Homecoming a.k.a. Lots of Pictures

Yay!! Homecoming finally happened. Let me tell you all about it. First we had a Marching Band Competition that day which really sucked so we got back at four and were planning to meet at 6. So that left Cori (my date) two hours to get ready which for a girl is like no time at all.

Me and my Patrick at the competition. Yes our uniforms are dumb thank you very much.

So we all meet at a lake near my house to take pictures here are a but load of them.

Okay so left to right: Me and Cori, Ryan and Kathrine, Matt and Reagen, Nate and Aliece, Cody and Katie, Aron and Sarah, and Tyler and Amanda. (All of us are Mormon except for Aron who is Sarah's boyfriend.)

Okay so yall are probably wondering what those big huge things the girls are carrying and that the guys are wearing on their arms. Well those are called mums (what the girls are carrying) and garters (what the guys have). A weird Texas tradition wear you the guys make mums and the girls garters for their date to wear. Well it is really dumb because you wear them for pictures and then throw them in the car and never take them out again. They have little things on it thought that are for you like Cori put Spiderman things on it (she knows the way to get to my heart) and I put some band things on it for Cori. Only thing is that I didn't make mine I bought it from Kroger's. Guess how much it cost me? $75!!!!! For something she is never going to take out again or do anything with? I thought it was a waste. In fact Aron and Sarah didn't do them which was smart. Oh and all the guys did plan on wearing black shirts. Just in case you thought we just showed up in black shirts. Nate's date flew in from New Jersey. That's right he has a "girlfriend" in New Jersey and she flew down here to go to homecoming with Nate. Man I would love it if a girl did that for me (hint hint) jk jk. I love ya guys. Now here are some pictures of me and my beautiful date. :)

So after we spent forever taking pictures we had a progressive dinner. We went to Nate's house for drinks (Not alcohol don't worry) then to Katie's house for appetisers. Then to my house for the main course. Here are some pics from my house.

So after that we went to the dance. Me and Cori carpooled with Tyler and Amanda we had a blast as you can tell from this picture. (Yes I am trying to be gangster from the back seat... it isn't really working is it?)

So we stayed at the dance for about forty five min. then left. We just go there to dance to one slow song because well their is a lot of lets say dirty dancing. Not the kind from the movie Dirty Dancing either.
After the dance we went to Cori's house for desert and then we went back to Katie's house for final goodbyes then I took Cori home.
It was such a fun evening and just awesome!!!
Don't Forget to vote on who is the cutest couple!!!!